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At Harley Street Specialist Hospital, our first floor has undergone a complete refurbishment and now boasts a state-of-the-art X-ray suite as well as ultrasound and a brand new CBCT scanner, used by our team of dedicated oral and maxillofacial consultants to diagnose and assess the jaw and teeth. Patients also have access to MRI and CT scans where required.

Throughout the pathway, you’ll be in the safe hands of our expert radiographers, all of whom have many years of experience and knowledge, as well as the personal touch to put you at you ease.

For diagnostic imaging enquiries please email

Consultant taking xray of woman


An X-ray is a photographic scan which produces images of the body, particularly the bones and joints, as well as the core areas of your chest, abdomen and pelvis. Fast, efficient and pain free, this procedure allows our consultants to come to a diagnosis. At Harley Street Specialist Hospital, we are proud to combine unrivalled expertise with the latest cutting-edge technology in the form of the AGFA DR600 Xray machine.

We also have a brand new PACS image storage and viewing system, which allows all our consultant’s, patients and external referrers to connect to the images and reports produced here. One of the best features of the software is that it allows externally produced images to be uploaded to our system. Once evaluated by our radiologists, the results are passed to your consultant to determine the appropriate course of treatment in your specific case, based on his expert diagnosis. This reduces delays as you consultant will be up to speed about your historical medical images before seeing you.


Ultrasound is an imaging technique using high frequency sound to produce anatomical images of the body. In a painless and non-invasive procedure, gel is applied to the required region to facilitate the transmission of sound waves into the body. The altered frequency of the reflected sound generates an anatomical image, which is picked up by a probe attached to the skin.

Unlike an X-ray, ultrasound can be used safely on expectant mothers. Providing live images in real time, the primary advantage of this procedure is it allows body parts to be assessed dynamically as they move/function in a normal manner. In the hands of one of our experienced radiologists, it can also enable more invasive surgery to be performed safely and successfully and with less risk of complication.

Our professional team, incorporating consultants of the highest caliber, have a wealth of experience in the use of ultrasound, whether for basic scans or for injections and other more involved procedures.

Theatre X-rays

In the operating theatre surgeons often ask for the use of an X-ray machine, called a C-ARM, to help them navigate the surgery. The resultant images are used to guide the surgeons to make accurate surgical decision and they relay a true picture of what is happening back to the surgeon. This single X-ray picture can be extended to a video whereby many X-rays are taken in succession. This forms a live video of the surgery, providing more information to the surgeon.

Cone beam CT scan

A dental cone beam CT (CBCT) scanner produces 3D cross-sectional images of the jaws and teeth. By using a cone shaped X-ray beam, the radiation dosage is reduced, as is the total scanning time, making the process faster and safer for the patient. This type of scan has the additional benefit of providing detailed information which cannot be obtained from normal X-rays. For example, if you are being considered for dental implants, it allows us to assess the exact shape of the bone.

Based at Harley Street Specialist Hospital, the CBCT scanner is housed within the Centre for oral and maxillofacial surgery, where it is an important diagnostic tool in the armory of our dedicated team of experienced consultants. It allows them to make quick and well-informed decisions on the nature of your condition, thus enabling them to put together a treatment plan bespoke to your needs.

Our radiologists